Sometimes depending upon the interest rate and fees that a money lender is charging, it's smarter to get a loan rather than to use your own money if your own money is getting a good return on what it's currently invested in.
I don't see a problem with that.
In the video it sounds as if she's saying that the lender can call in the loan at any time and demand repayment and repossess the properties if Watchtower can't pay up. I doubt that is the case. It's not as if J.P Morgan is some kind of Loan Shark. By law a fixed repayment date and a repayment schedule over a set period of time would have been established in advance and the fees and interest to be paid and was known upfront.
It's long been known that for legal reasons, the Watchtower is divided up into different entities that handle certain aspects of the organization such as real estate development and these entities must be classified as such rather than classified under something that sounds more religious or biblical to the average layman.
No new scandal here as far as I can see and I don't quite understand why these folks who are digging into Watchtower behind the scenes, seem utterly delighted when they find something questionable, rather than saddened, disappointed or concerned for their JW friends and family. They seem determined and delighted to use even the most feeble bit of information as evidence of wrongdoing.
To me, the original question still remains. Why does it take so much money to get the message of the Bible out there when everyone is a volunteer?
If 8 million JW's donated a mere 1 dollar per month they'd have 96 million dollars a year coming in. If each of those JW's spent a mere 1 hour a month preaching, there would be 96 million hours a year spent spreading the word.
We know that most JW's donate much more than 1 dollar a month and spend more than 1 hour a month in preaching. Why isn't that enough money to get the word out....why has it taken so long....where is the money going?